Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday, July 8th - We leave today

Its early Thursday morning. Today is the day we leave. The buses need to get pack with all the things that will be going on the trip. Natalie told me there is still some last minute food things that need to be purchased. I am sure everyone is doing their own last minute packing of their own.

Its currently 76 degrees here and going into the 90's. At Sandy Lake it is in the high 50's go to a high of 66 degrees; and it is raining. Quite a difference from 100 degree weather we are use to having.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Three days before we leave

Just three days away from leaving for the Immanuel Leidy's church mission trip to Sandy Lake, Ontario, Canada. The map above (thank you Google) show where in Ontario Sandy Lake is (look for the letter "A"). Our trip to Sandy Lake will be as follows:

Thursday, July 8th
  • 7:00pm Leave Immanuel Leidy's Church, Souderton, Pa.
  • Head west towards Pittsburgh, Pa via either the PA turnpike or Route 80.
  • Make one or two rest stops
Friday, July 9th
  • - 7:00 am Central time. Breakfast in Chicago
  • - 1:00 pm Lunch at the Wisconsin Dells
  • - 6:00 pm Dinner in Duluth, Minn
  • - 10:00pm Cross into Canada at International falls
Saturday, July 10th
  • - 2:00 am Rest stop in Dryden, Ontario
  • - 5:00 am Arrive at Red Lake, Ontario
  • - From this time the team will have Breakfast, take showers, do some last minute shopping for food.
  • - Sometime in the morning and early afternoon, take a plane from Red Lake to Sandy lake. This is approximately a 140 mile trip from Red Lake to Sandy Lake. It will take two plane trips to carry the entire team to our final destination.

The bus ride is approximately 36 hours. We do take two coach buses since there are three teams going on the trip. There are two drivers per bus. Each bus has a sleeping compartment for the resting bus driver. What do the bus drivers do while we are there? We praise the Lord for them because they volunteer to help out at the Stormer Lake Retreat Center.

In future posts I will go into more detail about the mission trip. Also, I hope to update this site as we travel and if there is Internet access at the reserve, I will be adding more to this blog to keep everyone up-to-date.